How Would We Avoid Crusades Happen Again First Crusade

The Crusades

The Crusades were military campaigns sanctioned by the Roman Catholic Church during the High and Late Centre Ages.

Learning Objectives

Describe the origins of the Crusades

Key Takeaways

Key Points

  • The Crusades were a series of military machine conflicts conducted by Christian knights to defend Christians and the Christian empire confronting Muslim forces.
  • The Holy Country was function of the Roman Empire until the Islamic conquests of the 7th and 8th centuries. Thereafter, Christians were permitted to visit parts of the Holy State until 1071, when Christian pilgrimages were stopped past the Seljuq Turks.
  • The Seljuq Turks had taken over much of Byzantium after the Byzantine defeat at the Battle of Manzikert in 1071.
  • In 1095 at the Council of Piacenza, Byzantine Emperor Alexios I Komnenos requested military machine help from Urban Two to fight the Turks.
  • In July 1095, Urban turned to his homeland of France to recruit men for the expedition. His travels there culminated in the Council of Clermont in November, where he gave speeches combining the idea of pilgrimage to the Holy Land with that of waging a holy war against infidels, which received an enthusiastic response.

Central Terms

  • Seljuq Empire: A medieval Turko-Persian Sunni Muslim empire that controlled a vast area stretching from the Hindu Kush to eastern Anatolia and from Central Asia to the Persian Gulf. The Seljuq Turk assault on Byzantium helped spur the crusades.
  • heretical: Relating to departure from established beliefs or customs.
  • Byzantine Empire: The predominantly Greek-speaking continuation of the eastern half of the Roman Empire during Tardily Antiquity and the Middle Ages.
  • schism: A division or a split, usually between groups belonging to a religious denomination.

The Crusades were a series of military conflicts conducted by Christian knights for the defense force of Christians and for the expansion of Christian domains between the 11th and 15th centuries. Mostly, the Crusades refer to the campaigns in the Holy Country sponsored by the papacy against Muslim forces. There were other crusades against Islamic forces in southern Spain, southern Italy, and Sicily, as well as campaigns of Teutonic knights against pagan strongholds in Eastern Europe. A few crusades, such equally the Fourth Crusade, were waged inside Christendom against groups that were considered heretical and schismatic. Crusades were fought for many reasons—to capture Jerusalem, recapture Christian territory, or defend Christians in non-Christian lands; equally a means of conflict resolution among Roman Catholics; for political or territorial advantage; and to combat paganism and heresy.

Origin of the Crusades

The origin of the Crusades in full general, and peculiarly of the Starting time Crusade, is widely debated amidst historians. The defoliation is partially due to the numerous armies in the Kickoff Crusade, and their lack of direct unity. The similar ideologies held the armies to similar goals, but the connections were rarely strong, and unity broke down often. The Crusades are most commonly linked to the political and social situation in 11th-century Europe, the rise of a reform movement within the papacy, and the political and religious confrontation of Christianity and Islam in Europe and the Center East. Christianity had spread throughout Europe, Africa, and the Eye East in Late Antiquity, only by the early 8th century Christian rule had become limited to Europe and Anatolia afterwards the Muslim conquests.

Background in Europe

The Holy Land had been office of the Roman Empire, and thus the Byzantine Empire, until the Islamic conquests. In the 7th and eighth centuries, Islam was introduced in the Arabian Peninsula by the Islamic prophet Muhammad and his followers. This formed a unified Muslim polity, which led to a rapid expansion of Arab power, the influence of which stretched from the northwest Indian subcontinent, across Key Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, southern Italian republic, and the Iberian Peninsula, to the Pyrenees. Tolerance, merchandise, and political relationships between the Arabs and the Christian states of Europe waxed and waned. For instance, the Fatimid caliph al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah destroyed the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, but his successor allowed the Byzantine Empire to rebuild it. Pilgrimages past Catholics to sacred sites were permitted, resident Christians were given certain legal rights and protections under Dhimmi status, and interfaith marriages were not uncommon. Cultures and creeds coexisted and competed, merely the frontier weather became increasingly inhospitable to Cosmic pilgrims and merchants.

At the western border of Europe and of Islamic expansion, the Reconquista (recapture of the Iberian Peninsula from the Muslims) was well underway past the 11th century, reaching its turning signal in 1085 when Alfonso VI of León and Castile retook Toledo from Muslim rule. Increasingly in the 11th century, foreign knights, more often than not from France, visited Iberia to assist the Christians in their efforts.

The heart of Western Europe had been stabilized after the Christianization of the Saxon, Viking, and Hungarian peoples by the end of the tenth century. However, the breakdown of the Carolingian Empire gave rise to an entire class of warriors who now had petty to do only fight among themselves. The random violence of the knightly grade was regularly condemned by the church, and so it established the Peace and Truce of God to prohibit fighting on sure days of the twelvemonth.

At the aforementioned time, the reform-minded papacy came into conflict with the Holy Roman Emperors, resulting in the Investiture Controversy. The papacy began to assert its independence from secular rulers, marshaling arguments for the proper apply of armed force by Catholics. Popes such as Gregory VII justified the subsequent warfare against the emperor's partisans in theological terms. It became acceptable for the pope to utilise knights in the name of Christendom, not just confronting political enemies of the papacy, but likewise against Al-Andalus, or, theoretically, against the Seljuq dynasty in the e. The upshot was intense piety, an involvement in religious diplomacy, and religious propaganda advocating a just state of war to repossess Palestine from the Muslims. Participation in such a war was seen every bit a form of penance that could counterbalance sin.

Help to Byzantium

To the east of Europe lay the Byzantine Empire, composed of Christians who had long followed a separate Orthodox rite; the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches had been in schism since 1054. Historians accept argued that the desire to impose Roman church building authority in the east may accept been ane of the goals of the Crusades, although Urban II, who launched the First Crusade, never refers to such a goal in his letters on crusading. The Seljuq Empire had taken over almost all of Anatolia subsequently the Byzantine defeat at the Battle of Manzikert in 1071; still, their conquests were piecemeal and led by semi-contained warlords, rather than past the sultan. A dramatic collapse of the empire's position on the eve of the Council of Clermont brought Byzantium to the brink of disaster. Past the mid-1090s, the Byzantine Empire was largely confined to Balkan Europe and the northwestern fringe of Anatolia, and faced Norman enemies in the west as well as Turks in the east. In response to the defeat at Manzikert and subsequent Byzantine losses in Anatolia in 1074, Pope Gregory VII had chosen for the milites Christi ("soldiers of Christ") to go to Byzantium'due south aid.

The Seljuk Empire covered portions of modern-day Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, China, Egypt, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Nagorno-Karabakh, Oman, Palestine, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, UAE, Uzbekistan, and Yemen.

Seljuq Empire: The Great Seljuq Empire at its greatest extent (1092).

While the Crusades had causes deeply rooted in the social and political situations of 11th-century Europe, the result really triggering the Get-go Cause was a request for aid from Byzantine emperor Alexios I Komnenos. Alexios was worried nigh the advances of the Seljuqs, who had reached as far due west every bit Nicaea, not far from Constantinople. In March 1095, Alexios sent envoys to the Council of Piacenza to ask Pope Urban II for help against the Turks.

Urban responded favorably, mayhap hoping to heal the Slap-up Schism of forty years earlier, and to reunite the Church under papal primacy by helping the eastern churches in their time of need. Alexios and Urban had previously been in shut contact in 1089 and later, and had openly discussed the prospect of the (re)union of the Christian church. There were signs of considerable co-operation between Rome and Constantinople in the years immediately before the Crusade.

In July 1095, Urban turned to his homeland of France to recruit men for the expedition. His travels there culminated in the Quango of Clermont in November, where, according to the various speeches attributed to him, he gave an impassioned sermon to a large audience of French nobles and clergy, graphically detailing the fantastical atrocities being committed against pilgrims and eastern Christians. Urban talked about the violence of European social club and the necessity of maintaining the Peace of God; virtually helping the Greeks, who had asked for assistance; well-nigh the crimes existence committed confronting Christians in the east; and about a new kind of state of war, an armed pilgrimage, and of rewards in heaven, where remission of sins was offered to whatever who might dice in the undertaking. Combining the idea of pilgrimage to the Holy Land with that of waging a holy war against infidels, Urban received an enthusiastic response to his speeches and before long after began collecting military forces to begin the First Cause.


Council of Clermont: Pope Urban Ii at the Council of Clermont, where he gave speeches in favor of a Crusade.

The Start Crusade

The First Cause (1095–1099) was a military expedition by Roman Catholic Europe to regain the Holy Lands taken in Muslim conquests, ultimately resulting in the recapture of Jerusalem.

Learning Objectives

Evaluate the events of the First Cause

Cardinal Takeaways

Key Points

  • The First Crusade (1095–1099), called for by Pope Urban 2, was the first of a number of crusades that attempted to recapture the Holy Lands.
  • It was launched on November 27, 1095, by Pope Urban II with the master goal of responding to an appeal from Byzantine Emperor Alexios I Komnenos, who had been defeated by Turkish forces.
  • An additional goal soon became the principal objective—the Christian reconquest of the sacred urban center of Jerusalem and the Holy Land and the freeing of the Eastern Christians from Muslim rule.
  • The first object of the campaign was Nicaea, previously a city under Byzantine rule, which the Crusaders captured on June eighteen, 1097, past defeating the troops of Kilij Arslan.
  • After marching through the Mediterranean region, the Crusaders arrived at Jerusalem, launched an assault on the metropolis, and captured it in July 1099, massacring many of the metropolis'due south Muslim and Jewish inhabitants.
  • In the stop, they established the crusader states of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the County of Tripoli, the Principality of Antioch, and the County of Edessa.

Key Terms

  • Church of the Holy Sepulchre: A church within the Christian Quarter of the Old Urban center of Jerusalem that contains, according to traditions dating back to at least the 4th century, the 2 holiest sites in Christendom—the site where Jesus of Nazareth was crucified and Jesus's empty tomb, where he is said to take been cached and resurrected.
  • Pope Urban II: Pope from March 12, 1088, to his death in 1099, he is all-time known for initiating the Showtime Crusade.
  • People's Crusade: An expedition seen as the prelude to the First Crusade that lasted roughly half-dozen months, from Apr to October 1096, and was led generally past peasants.
  • Alexios I Komnenos: Byzantine emperor from 1081 to 1118, whose appeals to Western Europe for help against the Turks were also the goad that likely contributed to the convoking of the Crusades.


The Starting time Crusade (1095–1099), called for past Pope Urban II, was the first of a number of crusades intended to recapture the Holy Lands. It started as a widespread pilgrimage in western Christendom and ended equally a military expedition by Roman Catholic Europe to regain the Holy Lands taken in the Muslim conquests of the Mediterranean (632–661), ultimately resulting in the recapture of Jerusalem in 1099.

Information technology was launched on Nov 27, 1095, by Pope Urban Ii with the main goal of responding to an appeal from Byzantine Emperor Alexios I Komnenos, who requested that western volunteers come to his aid and aid to repel the invading Seljuq Turks from Anatolia (mod-day Turkey). An boosted goal presently became the principal objective—the Christian reconquest of the sacred urban center of Jerusalem and the Holy Land and the freeing of the Eastern Christians from Muslim rule.

During the crusade, knights, peasants, and serfs from many regions of Western Europe travelled over land and past sea, first to Constantinople and then on toward Jerusalem. The Crusaders arrived at Jerusalem, launched an assault on the urban center, and captured information technology in July 1099, massacring many of the city'south Muslim and Jewish inhabitants. They also established the crusader states of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the County of Tripoli, the Principality of Antioch, and the County of Edessa.

People's Cause

Pope Urban II planned the difference of the crusade for August xv, 1096; before this, a number of unexpected bands of peasants and low-ranking knights organized and set off for Jerusalem on their ain, on an trek known as the People'southward Cause, led by a monk named Peter the Hermit. The peasant population had been afflicted past drought, famine, and disease for many years earlier 1096, and some of them seem to have envisioned the crusade equally an escape from these hardships. Spurring them on had been a number of meteorological occurrences beginning in 1095 that seemed to exist a divine blessing for the movement—a falling star shower, an aurorae, a lunar eclipse, and a comet, among other events. An outbreak of ergotism had likewise occurred merely earlier the Quango of Clermont. Millenarianism, the belief that the end of the globe was imminent, widespread in the early 11th century, experienced a resurgence in popularity. The response was beyond expectations; while Urban might accept expected a few chiliad knights, he ended up with a migration numbering up to 40,000 Crusaders of mostly unskilled fighters, including women and children.

Lacking military discipline in what likely seemed a strange state (Eastern Europe), Peter'southward fledgling regular army quickly found itself in trouble despite the fact that they were still in Christian territory. This unruly mob began to set on and pillage outside Constantinople in search of supplies and nutrient, prompting Alexios to hurriedly ferry the gathering across the Bosporus one calendar week later. After crossing into Asia Minor, the crusaders split up and began to plunder the countryside, wandering into Seljuq territory effectually Nicaea, where they were massacred by an overwhelming grouping of Turks.


People's Crusade massacre: An illustration showing the defeat of the People's Crusade by the Turks.

The First Crusade

The four main Crusader armies left Europe around the appointed time in August 1096. They took different paths to Constantinople and gathered outside the city walls betwixt November 1096 and April 1097; Hugh of Vermandois arrived get-go, followed by Godfrey, Raymond, and Bohemond. This time, Emperor Alexios was more prepared for the Crusaders; in that location were fewer incidents of violence along the way.

The Crusaders may accept expected Alexios to become their leader, but he had no involvement in joining them, and was mainly concerned with transporting them into Asia Minor every bit quickly as possible. In render for food and supplies, Alexios requested that the leaders to swear fealty to him and hope to return to the Byzantine Empire whatsoever country recovered from the Turks. Before ensuring that the various armies were shuttled across the Bosporus, Alexios brash the leaders on how best to deal with the Seljuq armies they would before long encounter.

Siege of Nicaea and March to Jerusalem

The Crusader armies crossed over into Asia Minor during the first half of 1097, where they were joined by Peter the Hermit and the remainder of his little regular army. Alexios too sent two of his ain generals, Manuel Boutoumites and Tatikios, to assist the Crusaders. The first object of their campaign was Nicaea, previously a metropolis nether Byzantine dominion, but which had get the capital letter of the Seljuq Sultanate of Rum under Kilij Arslan I. Arslan was away candidature against the Danishmends in central Anatolia at the fourth dimension, and had left behind his treasury and his family, underestimating the forcefulness of these new Crusaders.

Subsequently, upon the Crusaders' arrival, the city was subjected to a lengthy siege, and when Arslan had discussion of it he rushed back to Nicaea and attacked the Crusader army on May 16. He was driven dorsum by the unexpectedly big Crusader forcefulness, with heavy losses suffered on both sides in the ensuing battle. The siege continued, just the Crusaders had lilliputian success as they constitute they could non blockade Lake Iznik, which the city was situated on, and from which it could exist provisioned. To break the city, Alexios had the Crusaders' ships rolled over country on logs, and at the sight of them the Turkish garrison finally surrendered, 18 June xviii. The metropolis was handed over to the Byzantine troops.

At the end of June, the Crusaders marched on through Anatolia. They were accompanied by some Byzantine troops under Tatikios, and still harbored the promise that Alexios would send a full Byzantine army later them. Subsequently a battle with Kilij Arslan, the Crusaders marched through Anatolia unopposed, only the journey was unpleasant, as Arslan had burned and destroyed everything he left behind in his army'southward flight. It was the middle of summer, and the Crusaders had very piddling food and water; many men and horses died. Fellow Christians sometimes gave them gifts of food and money, merely more often than not the Crusaders only looted and pillaged whenever the opportunity presented itself.

Proceeding downwards the Mediterranean coast, the crusaders encountered little resistance, as local rulers preferred to make peace with them and furnish them with supplies rather than fight.

Capture of Jerusalem

On June 7, the Crusaders reached Jerusalem, which had been recaptured from the Seljuqs by the Fatimids just the year before. Many Crusaders wept upon seeing the city they had journeyed then long to reach. The arrival at Jerusalem revealed an barren countryside, lacking in h2o or food supplies. Here there was no prospect of relief, fifty-fifty every bit they feared an imminent assail by the local Fatimid rulers. The Crusaders resolved to take the city by assail. They might have been left with little choice, every bit it has been estimated that merely near 12,000 men, including 1,500 cavalry, remained by the time the army reached Jerusalem.

Afterwards the failure of the initial assault, a coming together between the various leaders was organized in which it was agreed upon that a more than concerted attack would be required in the future. On June 17, a party of Genoese mariners nether Guglielmo Embriaco arrived at Jaffa and provided the Crusaders with skilled engineers, and peradventure more critically, supplies of timber (cannibalized from the ships) with which to build siege engines. The Crusaders' morale was raised when a priest, Peter Desiderius, claimed to take had a divine vision of Bishop Adhemar instructing them to fast and and so march in a barefoot procession around the city walls, later on which the city would fall, post-obit the Biblical story of Joshua at the siege of Jericho.

The final assault on Jerusalem began on July 13; Raymond'southward troops attacked the south gate while the other contingents attacked the northern wall. Initially the Provençals at the southern gate fabricated piffling headway, but the contingents at the northern wall fared better, with a deadening but steady attrition of the defense force. On July fifteen, a final push was launched at both ends of the city, and somewhen the inner rampart of the northern wall was captured. In the ensuing panic, the defenders abandoned the walls of the urban center at both ends, allowing the Crusaders to finally enter.


Capture of Jerusalem: A depiction of the capture of Jerusalem in 1099 from a medieval manuscript. The burning buildings of Jerusalem are centered in the image. The various Crusaders are surrounding and besieging the village armed for an attack.

The massacre that followed the capture of Jerusalem has attained particular notoriety, as a "juxtaposition of farthermost violence and anguished faith." The eyewitness accounts from the Crusaders themselves leave fiddling uncertainty that in that location was a slap-up slaughter in the aftermath of the siege. Nevertheless, some historians propose that the calibration of the massacre was exaggerated in afterward medieval sources. The slaughter lasted a day; Muslims were indiscriminately killed, and Jews who had taken refuge in their synagogue died when it was burnt downward past the Crusaders. The following day, Tancred's prisoners in the mosque were slaughtered. Even so, it is clear that some Muslims and Jews of the city survived the massacre, either escaping or being taken prisoner to be ransomed. The Eastern Christian population of the city had been expelled before the siege by the governor, and thus escaped the massacre.

On July 22, a quango was held in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre to establish a king for the newly created Kingdom of Jerusalem. Raymond IV of Toulouse and Godfrey of Bouillon were recognized as the leaders of the crusade and the siege of Jerusalem. Raymond was the wealthier and more powerful of the two, just at first he refused to become rex, perhaps attempting to show his piety and probably hoping that the other nobles would insist upon his election anyway. The more popular Godfrey did not hesitate similar Raymond, and accepted a position as secular leader.

Having captured Jerusalem and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Crusaders had fulfilled their vow.

The Second Cause

The Second Crusade (1147–1149) was the 2d major crusade launched against Islam past Catholic Europe, started in response to the fall of the County of Edessa founded in the First Cause; it was largely a failure for the Europeans.

Learning Objectives

Explain the successes and failures of the Second Crusade

Key Takeaways

Central Points

  • The 2nd Crusade was started in 1147 in response to the autumn of the Canton of Edessa the previous yr to the forces of Zengi; Edessa was founded during the First Crusade.
  • The 2nd Crusade was led by two European kings— Louis Seven of France and Conrad Iii of Germany.
  • The German and French armies took split routes to Anatolia, fighting skirmishes along the mode, and both were defeated separately past the Seljuq Turks.
  • Louis and Conrad and the remnants of their armies eventually reached Jerusalem and participated in an ill-advised attack on Damascus in 1148.
  • The Second Crusade was a failure for the Crusaders and a bang-up victory for the Muslims.

Primal Terms

  • Moors: The Muslim inhabitants of the Maghreb, North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula, Sicily, and Malta during the Middle Ages, who initially were Berber and Arab peoples of North African descent.
  • Conrad 3: First German king of the Hohenstaufen dynasty, who led troops in the Second Crusade.
  • Manuel I Komneno: A Byzantine Emperor of the 12th century who reigned over a crucial turning point in the history of Byzantium and the Mediterranean, including the Second Cause.
  • Louis 7: A Capetian male monarch of the Franks from 1137 until his death who led troops in the Second Cause.

The 2nd Cause

The Second Crusade (1147–1149) was the 2nd major cause launched from Europe as a Catholic holy state of war against Islam. The 2nd Cause was started in 1147 in response to the fall of the County of Edessa the previous year to the forces of Zengi. The canton had been founded during the First Crusade by King Baldwin of Boulogne in 1098. While it was the commencement Crusader state to be founded, it was also the first to fall.

The Second Cause was appear past Pope Eugene III, and was the first of the crusades to be led by European kings, namely Louis VII of France and Conrad Three of Germany, who had help from a number of other European nobles. The armies of the two kings marched separately across Europe. Subsequently crossing Byzantine territory into Anatolia, both armies were separately defeated by the Seljuq Turks. The main Western Christian source, Odo of Deuil, and Syriac Christian sources claim that the Byzantine Emperor Manuel I Komnenos secretly hindered the Crusaders' progress, peculiarly in Anatolia, where he is declared to take deliberately ordered Turks to set on them. Louis and Conrad and the remnants of their armies reached Jerusalem and participated in an ill-brash attack on Damascus in 1148. The Crusade in the due east was a failure for the Crusaders and a dandy victory for the Muslims. Information technology would ultimately have a key influence on the fall of Jerusalem and requite rise to the Third Cause at the end of the twelfth century.

The only Christian success of the Second Cause came to a combined force of 13,000 Flemish, Frisian, Norman, English, Scottish, and German Crusaders in 1147. Traveling by ship from England to the Holy Land, the regular army stopped and helped the smaller (7,000) Portuguese ground forces capture Lisbon, expelling its Moorish occupants.

Cause in the Due east

Joscelin Two had tried to take dorsum Edessa, but Nur advertising-Din defeated him in November 1146. On February 16, 1147, the French Crusaders met to discuss their route. The Germans had already decided to travel overland through Republic of hungary, as the sea route was politically impractical because Roger II, king of Sicily, was an enemy of Conrad. Many of the French nobles distrusted the country road, which would take them through the Byzantine Empire, the reputation of which still suffered from the accounts of the Offset Crusaders. Nevertheless, it was decided to follow Conrad, and to set up out on June fifteen.

German language Road

The High german crusaders, accompanied by the papal legate and Cardinal Theodwin, intended to run across the French in Constantinople. Ottokar Iii of Styria joined Conrad at Vienna, and Conrad'south enemy Géza Two of Hungary allowed them to pass through unharmed. When the German army of xx,000 men arrived in Byzantine territory, Emperor Manuel I Komnenos feared they were going to assail him, and Byzantine troops were posted to ensure that there was no problem. On September 10, the Germans arrived at Constantinople, where relations with Manuel were poor. There was a battle, subsequently which the Germans were convinced that they should cross into Asia Small as quickly as possible.

In Asia Small-scale, Conrad decided non to look for the French, and marched towards Iconium, upper-case letter of the Seljuq Sultanate of Rûm. Conrad split his regular army into two divisions. The authorisation of the Byzantine Empire in the western provinces of Asia Minor was more nominal than real, with much of the provinces beingness a no-man'due south land controlled by Turkish nomads. Conrad underestimated the length of the march confronting Anatolia, and anyway causeless that the authorization of Emperor Manuel was greater in Anatolia than was in fact the case. Conrad took the knights and the all-time troops with him to march overland and sent the camp followers with Otto of Freising to follow the coastal route. The male monarch's contingent was almost totally destroyed past the Seljuqs on October 25, 1147, at the second Boxing of Dorylaeum.

French Route

The French crusaders departed from Metz in June 1147, led by Louis, Thierry of Alsace, Renaut I of Bar, Amadeus 3, Count of Savoy and his half-brother William V of Montferrat, William VII of Auvergne, and others, along with armies from Lorraine, Brittany, Burgundy, and Aquitaine. A forcefulness from Provence, led by Alphonse of Toulouse, chose to wait until Baronial and cantankerous past ocean. At Worms, Louis joined with crusaders from Normandy and England.

They followed Conrad'southward route fairly peacefully, although Louis came into conflict with Male monarch Geza of Hungary when Geza discovered Louis had allowed an attempted Hungarian usurper to join his army. Relations within Byzantine territory were grim, and the Lorrainers, who had marched alee of the residue of the French, also came into conflict with the slower Germans whom they met on the way.

The French met the remnants of Conrad's army at Lopadion, and Conrad joined Louis'southward strength. They followed Otto of Freising'south route, moving closer to the Mediterranean coast, and they arrived at Ephesus in Dec, where they learned that the Turks were preparing to attack them. Manuel had sent ambassadors complaining about the pillaging and plundering that Louis had done along the manner, and there was no guarantee that the Byzantines would assist them against the Turks. Meanwhile, Conrad fell ill and returned to Constantinople, where Manuel attended to him personally, and Louis, paying no attention to the warnings of a Turkish attack, marched out from Ephesus with the French and High german survivors. The Turks were indeed waiting to attack, but in a small battle outside Ephesus, the French and Germans were victorious.

They reached Laodicea on the Lycus early in January 1148, around the aforementioned fourth dimension Otto of Freising's army had been destroyed in the same area. Afterwards resuming the march, the vanguard nether Amadeus of Savoy was separated from the balance of the ground forces at Mount Cadmus, and Louis's troops suffered heavy losses from the Turks. Subsequently existence delayed for a month by storms, nearly of the promised ships from Provence did not go far at all. Louis and his assembly claimed the ships that did make information technology for themselves, while the residuum of the ground forces had to resume the long march to Antioch. The army was nigh entirely destroyed, either by the Turks or by sickness.

Siege of Damascus

The remains of the German and French armies eventually connected on to Jerusalem, where they planned an attack on the Muslim forces in Damascus. The Crusaders decided to assault Damascus from the west, where orchards would provide them with a constant food supply. They arrived at Daraiya on July 23. The following day, the well-prepared Muslims constantly attacked the army advancing through the orchards outside Damascus. The defenders had sought help from Saif advertising-Din Ghazi I of Mosul and Nur advertizing-Din of Aleppo, who personally led an attack on the Crusader campsite. The Crusaders were pushed back from the walls into the orchards, where they were prone to ambushes and guerrilla attacks.

According to William of Tyre, on July 27 the Crusaders decided to motion to the plain on the eastern side of the urban center, which was less heavily fortified, simply likewise had much less food and water. Some records indicate that Unur had bribed the leaders to move to a less defensible position, and that Unur had promised to interruption off his alliance with Nur ad-Din if the Crusaders went habitation. Meanwhile, Nur ad-Din and Saif ad-Din had by now arrived. With Nur ad-Din in the field it was impossible for the Crusaders to render to their improve position. The local Crusader lords refused to carry on with the siege, and the iii kings had no option only to abandon the urban center. Commencement Conrad, then the rest of the army, decided to retreat to Jerusalem on July 28, and they were followed the whole manner past Turkish archers, who constantly harassed them.


Siege of Damascus: A print of the Siege of Damascus.


Each of the Christian forces felt betrayed by the other. In Deutschland, the Cause was seen as a huge debacle, with many monks writing that it could only have been the piece of work of the Devil. Despite the distaste for the memory of the Second Cause, the experience had notable affect on High german literature, with many ballsy poems of the late 12th century featuring boxing scenes clearly inspired by the fighting in the crusade. The cultural impact of the 2d Cause was even greater in French republic. Different Conrad, the Louis's prototype was improved by the crusade, with many of the French seeing him every bit a suffering pilgrim king who quietly bore God's punishments.

Relations between the Eastern Roman Empire and the French were desperately damaged by the 2nd Crusade. Louis and other French leaders openly defendant Emperor Manuel I of colluding with Turkish attackers during the march beyond Asia Minor. The memory of the 2d Cause was to color French views of the Byzantines for the rest of the 12th and 13th centuries.

The Third Crusade

The 3rd Cause (1189–1192) was an attempt by European leaders to reconquer the Holy Land from the Muslim sultan Saladin; it resulted in the capture of the important cities Acre and Jaffa, but failed to capture Jerusalem, the primary motivation of the crusade.

Learning Objectives

Compare and contrast the Third Crusade with the first two

Fundamental Takeaways

Primal Points

  • After the failure of the Second Crusade, the Zengid dynasty controlled a unified Syria and engaged in a successful conflict with the Fatimid rulers of Arab republic of egypt; the Egyptian and Syrian forces were ultimately unified nether Saladin, who employed them to reduce the Christian states and recapture Jerusalem in 1187.
  • The Crusaders, mainly nether the leadership of Rex Richard of England, captured Acre and Jaffa on their way to Jerusalem.
  • Because of conflict with King Richard and to settle succession disputes, the German language and French armies left the crusade early, weakening the Christian forces.
  • Afterward trying to overtake Jerusalem and having Jaffa alter easily several times, Richard and Saladin finalized a treaty granting Muslim control over Jerusalem but allowing unarmed Christian pilgrims and merchants to visit the city.
  • The 3rd Cause differed from the Beginning Crusade in several ways: kings led the armies into battle, it was in response to European losses, and it resulted in a treaty.

Primal Terms

  • Richard the Lionheart: Male monarch of England from July half-dozen, 1189, until his death; famous for his reputation equally a slap-up war machine leader and warrior.
  • Saladin: The offset sultan of Egypt and Syria and the founder of the Ayyubid dynasty; he led the Muslim military entrada against the Crusader states in the Levant.


The Third Crusade (1189–1192), besides known every bit The Kings' Crusade, was an attempt by European leaders to reconquer the Holy State from Saladin. The entrada was largely successful, capturing the important cities of Acre and Jaffa, and reversing most of Saladin's conquests, but information technology failed to capture Jerusalem, the emotional and spiritual motivation of the cause.

After the failure of the Second Cause, the Zengid dynasty controlled a unified Syria and engaged in a conflict with the Fatimid rulers of Egypt. The Egyptian and Syrian forces were ultimately unified under Saladin, who employed them to reduce the Christian states and recapture Jerusalem in 1187. Spurred past religious zeal, King Henry 2 of England and Male monarch Philip Ii of France (known as Philip Augustus) ended their conflict with each other to lead a new crusade. The death of Henry in 1189, however, meant the English contingent came under the command of his successor, King Richard I of England (known as Richard the Lionheart). The elderly Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa also responded to the call to arms, leading a massive army beyond Anatolia, but he drowned in a river in Asia Minor on June x, 1190, earlier reaching the Holy Land. His decease caused tremendous grief among the German Crusaders, and most of his troops returned home.

After the Crusaders had driven the Muslims from Acre, Philip and Frederick's successor, Leopold V, Duke of Republic of austria (known as Leopold the Virtuous), left the Holy Land in August 1191. On September two, 1192, Richard and Saladin finalized a treaty granting Muslim command over Jerusalem but allowing unarmed Christian pilgrims and merchants to visit the urban center. Richard departed the Holy Land on October 2. The successes of the Tertiary Crusade allowed the Crusaders to maintain considerable states in Cyprus and on the Syrian coast. However, the failure to recapture Jerusalem would lead to the Fourth Crusade.


1 of the major differences between the First and Tertiary Crusades is that by the time of the Third Crusade, and to a certain degree during the Second, the Muslim opponents had unified under a single powerful leader. At the time of the First Crusade, the Middle Eastward was severely divided by warring rulers. Without a unified front end opposing them, the Christian troops were able to conquer Jerusalem, too as the other Crusader states. But under the powerful strength of the Seljuq Turks during the 2nd Crusade and the even more than unified ability of Saladin during the Third, the Europeans were unable to achieve their ultimate aim of holding Jerusalem.

After the failure of the 2d Crusade, Nur advertisement-Din Zangi had control of Damascus and a unified Syria. Nur ad-Din also took over Egypt through an alliance, and appointed Saladin the sultan of these territories. After Nur advertizement-Din's death, Saladin as well took over Acre and Jerusalem, thereby wresting control of Palestine from the Crusaders, who had conquered the surface area 88 years before. Pope Urban Iii is said to accept complanate and died upon hearing this news, just it is not really feasible that tidings of the fall of Jerusalem could have reached him past the time he died, although he did know of the battle of Hattin and the fall of Acre.

The map shows a series of invasions by Saladin in 1174, 1175, 1184, and 1187. In 1174, he moved north from Cairo to Damascus. In 1175 he moved farther north from Damascus to Hama. In 1183, he moved even farther north from Hama to Aleppo. In 1187, he moved from Cairo to an area northeast of Jaffa, where the map shows there was a major conflict. The same year, he moved north to Beirut, and then south to Jerusalem.

Saladin'due south Conquest (1174-1189): Map of Saladin'southward Conquest into the Levant, including invasions routes, major conflicts, strongholds, and occupations.

Siege of Acre

The Siege of Acre was 1 of the first confrontations of the Third Crusade, and a cardinal victory for the Crusaders only a serious defeat for Saladin, who had hoped to destroy the whole of the Crusader kingdom.

Richard arrived at Acre on June eight, 1191, and immediately began supervising the construction of siege weapons to assault the metropolis, which was captured on July 12. Richard, Philip, and Leopold quarreled over the spoils of the victory. Richard bandage downwards the German flag from the city, slighting Leopold. The rest of the German army returned domicile.

On July 31, Philip also returned abode, to settle the succession in Vermandois and Flanders, and Richard was left in sole charge of the Christian expeditionary forces. As in the Second Crusade, these disagreements and divisions within the European armies led to a weakening of the Christian forces.

A Medieval painting that depicts the Siege of Acre. Five soldiers in the foreground operate a slingshot. In the background, soldiers defend a high-walled castle, throwing stones on the invaders.

Siege of Acre: The Siege of Acre was the first major confrontation of the 3rd Crusade.

Battle of Arsuf

Later on the capture of Acre, Richard decided to march to the city of Jaffa. Control of Jaffa was necessary earlier an attack on Jerusalem could be attempted. On September 7, 1191, however, Saladin attacked Richard'south ground forces at Arsuf, thirty miles north of Jaffa. Richard so ordered a full general counterattack, which won the battle. Arsuf was an important victory. The Muslim ground forces was not destroyed, despite the considerable casualties information technology suffered, but it was scattered; this was considered shameful by the Muslims and boosted the morale of the Crusaders. Richard was able to accept, defend, and hold Jaffa, a strategically crucial movement toward securing Jerusalem. By depriving Saladin of the coast, Richard seriously threatened his agree on Jerusalem.

Advances on Jerusalem and Negotiations

Following his victory at Arsuf, Richard took Jaffa and established his new headquarters there. In November 1191 the Crusader ground forces advanced inland toward Jerusalem. On December 12 Saladin was forced by pressure from his emirs to disband the greater office of his regular army. Learning this, Richard pushed his regular army forward, spending Christmas at Latrun. The ground forces then marched to Beit Nuba, only twelve miles from Jerusalem. Muslim morale in Jerusalem was then low that the inflow of the Crusaders would probably have caused the city to fall quickly. Appallingly bad atmospheric condition—cold with heavy pelting and hailstorms—combined with fear that if the Crusader army besieged Jerusalem it might exist trapped past a relieving forcefulness, led to the determination to retreat back to the coast. In July 1192, Saladin'south army suddenly attacked and captured Jaffa with thousands of men.

Richard was intending to render to England when he heard the news that Saladin and his army had captured Jaffa. Richard and a small force of lilliputian more than 2,000 men went to Jaffa past bounding main in a surprise attack. They stormed Jaffa from their ships and the Ayyubids, who had been unprepared for a naval attack, were driven from the city.

On September ii, 1192, following his defeat at Jaffa, Saladin was forced to finalize a treaty with Richard providing that Jerusalem would remain nether Muslim control, merely assuasive unarmed Christian pilgrims and traders to visit the urban center. The city of Ascalon was a contentious effect, as it threatened communication between Saladin's dominions in Egypt and Syria; it was eventually agreed that Ascalon, with its defenses demolished, be returned to Saladin's control. Richard departed the Holy Land on October 9, 1192.

Aftermath and Comparisons

Neither side was entirely satisfied with the results of the war. Though Richard'southward victories had deprived the Muslims of of import coastal territories and re-established a viable Frankish land in Palestine, many Christians in the Latin West felt disappointed that Richard had elected not to pursue the recapture of Jerusalem. Likewise, many in the Islamic earth felt disturbed that Saladin had failed to drive the Christians out of Syria and Palestine. Notwithstanding, trade flourished throughout the Middle East and in port cities along the Mediterranean coastline.

The motivations and results of the Third Cause differed from those of the First in several ways. Many historians contend that the motivations for the Third Crusade were more than political than religious, thereby giving rise to the disagreements between the German, French, and English armies throughout the cause. By the end, only Richard of England was left, and his modest force was unable to finally overtake Saladin, despite successes at Acre and Jaffa. This infighting severely weakened the ability of the European forces.

In addition, unlike the First Crusade, in the Second and Third Crusades kings led Crusaders into battle. The presence of European kings in battle set the armies up for instability, for the monarchs had to ensure their own territories were non threatened during their absence. During the 3rd Crusade, both the German and French armies were forced to return dwelling to settle succession disputes and stabilize their kingdoms.

Furthermore, both the Second and Third Crusades were in response to European losses, first the autumn of the Kingdom of Edessa and then the fall of Jerusalem to Saladin. These defensive expeditions could be seen as lacking the religious fervor and initiative of the Commencement Crusade, which was entirely on the terms of the Christian armies.

Finally, the 3rd Crusade resulted in a treaty that left Jerusalem nether Muslim dominion but allowed Christians access for trading and pilgrimage. In the past two crusades, the issue had been to conquer and massacre or retreat, with no compromise or middle ground achieved. Despite the agreement in the Tertiary Crusade, the failure to overtake Jerusalem led to still another crusade soon after.

The Fourth Crusade

Crusading became increasingly widespread in terms of geography and objectives during the 13th century and across, and crusades were aimed more at maintaining political and religious control over Europe than reclaiming the Holy Country.

Learning Objectives

Describe the failures of the Quaternary Crusade

Cardinal Takeaways

Key Terms

  • Crusader states: A number of mostly 12th- and 13th-century feudal states created by Western European crusaders in Asia Small-scale, Greece, and the Holy State, and in the eastern Baltic area during the Northern Crusades.
  • Peachy Schism: The pause of communion between what are now the Eastern Orthodox and Cosmic churches, which has lasted since the 11th century.
  • Knights Templar: Among the wealthiest and near powerful of the Western Christian war machine orders; prominent actors in the Crusades.
  • heretics: People who holds beliefs or theories that are strongly at variance with established beliefs or customs, especially those held by the Roman Catholic Church.

Evolution of the Crusades

The Crusades were a serial of religious wars undertaken past the Latin church between the 11th and 15th centuries. Crusades were fought for many reasons: to capture Jerusalem, recapture Christian territory, or defend Christians in non-Christian lands; equally a ways of conflict resolution among Roman Catholics; for political or territorial reward; and to combat paganism and heresy.

The First Crusade arose subsequently a phone call to artillery in 1095 sermons by Pope Urban Two. Urban urged military support for the Byzantine Empire and its Emperor, Alexios I, who needed reinforcements for his conflict with west-migrating Turks in Anatolia. One of Urban's main aims was to guarantee pilgrims admission to the holy sites in the Holy Land that were under Muslim control. Urban's wider strategy may have been to unite the eastern and western branches of Christendom, which had been divided since their split in 1054, and found himself every bit head of the unified church building. Regardless of the motivation, the response to Urban'southward preaching past people of many different classes across Western Europe established the precedent for later crusades.

As a result of the Offset Crusade, 4 primary Crusader states were created: the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the County of Edessa, the Principality of Antioch, and the County of Tripoli. On a popular level, the Offset Cause unleashed a moving ridge of impassioned, pious Catholic fury, which was expressed in the massacres of Jews that accompanied the Crusades and the violent treatment of the "schismatic" Orthodox Christians of the east.

Under the papacies of Calixtus Ii, Honorius II, Eugenius Three, and Innocent II, smaller-scale crusading connected around the Crusader states in the early 12th century. The Knights Templar were recognized, and grants of crusading indulgences to those who opposed papal enemies are seen by some historians as the outset of politically motivated crusades. The loss of Edessa in 1144 to Imad ad-Din Zengi led to preaching for what later became known as the Second Crusade. King Louis VII and Conrad III led armies from France and Germany to Jerusalem and Damascus without winning whatever major victories. Bernard of Clairvaux, who had encouraged the 2nd Crusade in his preachings, was upset with the violence and slaughter directed toward the Jewish population of the Rhineland.

In 1187 Saladin united the enemies of the Crusader states, was victorious at the Battle of Hattin, and retook Jerusalem. According to Benedict of Peterborough, Pope Urban 3 died of deep sadness on Oct 19, 1187, upon hearing news of the defeat. His successor, Pope Gregory Viii, issued a papal bull that proposed a third crusade to recapture Jerusalem. This crusade failed to win control of Jerusalem from the Muslims, but did result in a treaty that allowed trading and pilgrimage there for Europeans.

Crusading became increasingly widespread in terms of geography and objectives during the 13th century; crusades were aimed at maintaining political and religious control over Europe and beyond and were non exclusively focused on the Holy Land. In Northern Europe the Cosmic church continued to battle peoples whom they considered pagans; Popes such every bit Celestine Iii, Innocent III, Honorius Three, and Gregory IX preached crusade against the Livonians, Prussians, and Russians. In the early 13th century, Albert of Riga established Riga as the seat of the Bishopric of Riga and formed the Livonian Brothers of the Sword to convert the pagans to Catholicism and protect German commerce.

Fourth Crusade

Innocent Iii began preaching what became the Fourth Crusade in 1200 in France, England, and Deutschland, but primarily in French republic. The Fourth Cause (1202–1204) was a Western European armed expedition originally intended to conquer Muslim-controlled Jerusalem by means of an invasion through Egypt. Instead, a sequence of events culminated in the Crusaders sacking the city of Constantinople, the capital of the Christian-controlled Byzantine Empire. The Fourth Crusade never came to within 1,000 miles of its objective of Jerusalem, instead conquering Byzantium twice earlier being routed by the Bulgars at Adrianople.

In January 1203, en route to Jerusalem, the majority of the Crusader leadership entered into an agreement with the Byzantine prince Alexios Angelos to divert to Constantinople and restore his deposed male parent equally emperor. The intention of the Crusaders was so to continue to the Holy Land with promised Byzantine financial and war machine assistance. On June 23, 1203, the primary Crusader armada reached Constantinople. Smaller contingents continued to Acre.

In August 1203, following clashes outside Constantinople, Alexios Angelos was crowned co-emperor (equally Alexios IV Angelos) with Crusader support. Yet, in January 1204, he was deposed by a popular uprising in Constantinople. The Western Crusaders were no longer able to receive their promised payments, and when Alexios was murdered on February 8, 1204, the Crusaders and Venetians decided on the outright conquest of Constantinople. In April 1204, they captured and brutally sacked the city and set a new Latin Empire, as well as partitioned other Byzantine territories amidst themselves.

Byzantine resistance based in unconquered sections of the empire such as Nicaea, Trebizond, and Epirus ultimately recovered Constantinople in 1261.

The Fourth Crusade is considered to be i of the final acts in the Great Schism betwixt the Eastern Orthodox Church and Roman Catholic Church, and a key turning point in the pass up of the Byzantine Empire and Christianity in the Near East.

A Medieval painting of the conquest of Constantinople in 2014. In the foreground, crusader ships surround a high-walled castle, with soldiers climbing ladders into the castle and throwing spears. To the right, crusaders stand on the beach, readying their siege. In the castle, soldiers return fire with arrows and spears, and to the left, a Byzantine royal, perhaps the Emperor, watches over the scene.

Conquest of Constantinople: A Medieval painting of the Conquest of Constantinople by the Crusaders in 1204.

Subsequently Crusades

Afterward the failure of the Fourth Cause to hold Constantinople or reach Jerusalem, Innocent Three launched the first crusade against heretics, the Albigensian Crusade, against the Cathars in France and the County of Toulouse. Over the early decades of the century the Cathars were driven hugger-mugger while the French monarchy asserted control over the region. Andrew Two of Hungary waged the Bosnian Cause against the Bosnian church, which was theologically Cosmic but in long-term schism with the Roman Cosmic Church building. The conflict only ended with the Mongol invasion of Republic of hungary in 1241. In the Iberian peninsula, Crusader privileges were given to those aiding the Templars, the Hospitallers, and the Iberian orders that merged with the Lodge of Calatrava and the Order of Santiago. The papacy declared frequent Iberian crusades, and from 1212 to 1265 the Christian kingdoms drove the Muslims dorsum to the Emirate of Granada, which held out until 1492, when the Muslims and Jews were expelled from the peninsula.

Effectually this fourth dimension, popularity and energy for the Crusades declined. Ane cistron in the decline was the disunity and disharmonize among Latin Christian interests in the eastern Mediterranean. Pope Martin 4 compromised the papacy by supporting Charles of Anjou, and tarnished its spiritual luster with botched secular "crusades" confronting Sicily and Aragon. The collapse of the papacy's moral authority and the rise of nationalism rang the expiry knell for crusading, ultimately leading to the Avignon Papacy and the Western Schism. The mainland Crusader states were extinguished with the fall of Tripoli in 1289 and the fall of Acre in 1291.

Centuries later, during the heart of the 15th century, the Latin church tried to organize a new crusade aimed at restoring the Eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire, which was gradually being torn downward by the advancing Ottoman Turks. The effort failed, however, equally the vast majority of Greek civilians and a growing part of their clergy refused to recognize and have the short-lived near-union of the churches of Eastward and West signed at the Council of Florence and Ferrara past the Ecumenical patriarch Joseph II of Constantinople. The Greek population, reacting to the Latin conquest, believed that the Byzantine civilisation that revolved around the Orthodox faith would exist more secure under Ottoman Islamic dominion. Overall, religious-observant Greeks preferred to sacrifice their political freedom and political independence in order to preserve their faith'due south traditions and rituals in separation from the Roman See.

In the tardily-14th and early-15th centuries, "crusades" on a limited calibration were organized past the kingdoms of Hungary, Poland, Wallachia, and Serbia. These were not the traditional expeditions aimed at the recovery of Jerusalem only rather defensive campaigns intended to prevent further expansion to the westward by the Ottoman Empire.


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